For all those candidates who are preparing for the Railway Recruitment Board Group D Computer-Based Test Exam, the RRB Group D free practice set will prove to be very helpful because they are prepared with this framework. Here candidates get a large number of MCC-type questions that include different subjects like general awareness, general intelligence and reasoning, general science, mathematics, and other subjects.
If you solve these free practice sets of RRB Group D, then you can feel the difference yourself. The set given in this article helps you to qualify for the Railway Group D exam with confidence.
RRB Group D Free Practice Set
If you have also applied for the RRB Group D exam, then you need to prepare for the exam from now itself. You must be aware that the questions in the RRB Group D exam include many subjects. To help students in their exams, we have created an RRB Group D free practice set for the topics that are asked in the exam. If you solve these practice sets, then it will prove to be very helpful for you.
In this article, you will get free PDF practice sets in both English and Hindi languages. For your information, let me make it clear that the RRB Group D exam includes questions from many types of subjects, which include basic concepts of chemistry, the animal kingdom, classification, data interpretation, international affairs, politics, paragraphs, the solar system, speed, time, distance, units, dimensional reasoning, etc.
RRB group D Mock test pdf Overview
Article title | Rrb Group D free Practice Set |
Category | Online mock test and Series |
Exam name | Group D |
Total questions | 100 |
Time | 90 minutes |
Year | 2025 |
Website | |
RRB Group D Free Tests
RRB Group D Full Test
Time 90 min
Total marks 100 |
Start free Test (Click here) |
RRB Group D Previous Year Paper
Time 90 min
Total marks 100 |
Start free Test ( Click here) |
RRB Group D Complete Practice Sets
Subjects | Practice set |
Practice set 1 RRB Group D | Hindi/English |
Practice set 2 RRB Group D | Hindi/English |
Practice set 3 RRB Group D | Hindi/English |
Practice set 4 RRB Group D | Hindi/English |
Railway Group D Free Online Mock test Series
For the candidates who are preparing for the Railway Recruitment Board Group D exam, here we have the dedicated Railway Group D Free Online Mock Test Series. Where you can prepare for the exam based on the questions asked in previous exams absolutely free of cost. Which is going to prove very helpful to you. In this exam, you will be asked questions worth 100 marks, and you will be given a total of 90 minutes to solve these questions.
If you answer any question wrongly, then one-third of the marks will be deducted as a penalty, whereas for giving the correct answer, you will get one mark per question. To prepare for the RRB Group D free practice set, you should also visit the official website of the railway.
RRB Group D Practice Sets Subjects wise
Topics | Practice set |
Railway Bharti board group D verbal Reasoning Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D dimensional formulae Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D motion time and distance Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D solar system Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D plant tissue practice Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D national income account Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D international affairs Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D governor general of indiaSet | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D delhi Sultanate Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D data interpretation Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D congress session Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D animal kingdom Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D chemistry practice Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D constitution practice Set | Hindi/English |
Railway Bharti board group D classification exercise Set | Hindi/English |
RRB Group D exam pattern 2025
In the Railway Recruitment Board Group D exam, you will be asked questions from subjects like Mathematics, General Intelligence, and Reasoning. General Science and General Awareness and Current Affairs are as per the rules of the RRB Group D exam pattern 2025, in which the number of questions in subjects like Mathematics and General Science will be 25-25, respectively, while according to the RRB Group D free practice set information, 30 and 20 questions will be asked from General Intelligence and Reasoning and General Awareness and Current Affairs, respectively. In this way, a total of 100 questions will be included from all four subjects.
Tips to Use the RRC Group D Mock Test for Stress-Free Exam Preparation
You should start solving the RRC Group D Mock Test as soon as possible because it gives you relief from last-minute stress and the hurry to practice questions and keeps your mental stress and anxiety away, and your brain remains completely calm and focused on the question. Secondly, you should make a well-organized study plan; if you have a study plan, then you will also have time to do the remaining other tasks, so you should be completely disciplined.
Tips to Use the RRC Group D Mock Test for Stress-Free Exam Preparation According to the information, if you get a low score and rank in the RRB Group D free practice set solved by you. Even then you should not be disappointed but should solve the mock test again with full preparation and positive thinking and pay attention to those points where you were proved wrong.
RRB Group D Free Mock Test Benefits
Through this mock test, you are able to check the difficulty level of the questions; that is, you feel comfortable even in answering difficult questions. The second RRB Group D Free mock test benefit is that you master time management. By using the Rrb Group D free practice set, you get information regarding the mode of examination and the format of the exam; through this, you get information about the online exam format.
The most important thing is that you get the Railway Recruitment Board Group D Mock Test Analysis Report, which gives information about your strengths and weaknesses.
Rrb Group D free Practice Set Important Link
Rrb Group D free Practice Set Link | |
Kcedn | Click Here |
Official Website | |